



Bug #958


use [popen] get stream handle,and [fread]or[fgets] crash

Added by Beily L. about 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
CPU Architecture:
Host OS:
Android version:
4.3 (android-18)
CrystaX NDK Version:


when use crystax-ndk-10.1.0 NDK build OK, but run Crash, i get an error. by the way, in our website i cant find 10.2.0 or higher version to i have no idea, if the higher verion has fix the bug.
error as follow:
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute ,cmd = ls.
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute ,popen success=====.
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute, command=ls 2>&1
05-29 20:53:46.677: A/libc(19241): invalid address or address of corrupt block 0x40161c30 passed to dlfree [here "fread"or"fgets" execute]
05-29 20:53:46.687: A/libc(19241): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 19241 (xample.myapp002)

But, if use google android-ndk-r10d NDK , build OK and run OK, it work find, and i can get the result of execute [ls] command.
So, i think it maybe a crystax NDK's BUG. pls let me know, if your have good news,thank u very much! best wishes!

IDE : Eclipse
HostOS: Windows + cgywin64


MyApp002-popen-fread-crash-002.txt (19.7 KB) MyApp002-popen-fread-crash-002.txt this Eclipse logcat, Crystax NDK and google NDK Beily L., 06/01/2015 04:45 PM
MyApp002-----.rar (806 KB) MyApp002-----.rar Eclipse project.c++ source file in jni folder, java src files in src folder, app's UI in res folder, just have a textVeiw and a button Beily L., 06/01/2015 05:14 PM
MyApp002.apk (881 KB) MyApp002.apk apk, with crystax NDK Beily L., 06/01/2015 05:15 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Alexander Z. about 9 years ago

Beily Lan wrote:

when use crystax-ndk-10.1.0 NDK build OK, but run Crash, i get an error. by the way, in our website i cant find 10.2.0 or higher version to i have no idea, if the higher verion has fix the bug.
error as follow:
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute ,cmd = ls.
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute ,popen success=====.
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute, command=ls 2>&1
05-29 20:53:46.677: A/libc(19241): invalid address or address of corrupt block 0x40161c30 passed to dlfree [here "fread"or"fgets" execute]
05-29 20:53:46.687: A/libc(19241): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 19241 (xample.myapp002)

But, if use google android-ndk-r10d NDK , build OK and run OK, it work find, and i can get the result of execute [ls] command.
So, i think it maybe a crystax NDK's BUG. pls let me know, if your have good news,thank u very much! best wishes!

IDE : Eclipse
HostOS: Windows + cgywin64

Could you please provide a minimal source code required to reproduce the bug?

BTW 10.2.0 is planned, not released yet.

Actions #2

Updated by Beily L. about 9 years ago

Alexander Zhukov wrote:

Beily Lan wrote:

when use crystax-ndk-10.1.0 NDK build OK, but run Crash, i get an error. by the way, in our website i cant find 10.2.0 or higher version to i have no idea, if the higher verion has fix the bug.
error as follow:
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute ,cmd = ls.
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute ,popen success=====.
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute, command=ls 2>&1
05-29 20:53:46.677: A/libc(19241): invalid address or address of corrupt block 0x40161c30 passed to dlfree [here "fread"or"fgets" execute]
05-29 20:53:46.687: A/libc(19241): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 19241 (xample.myapp002)

But, if use google android-ndk-r10d NDK , build OK and run OK, it work find, and i can get the result of execute [ls] command.
So, i think it maybe a crystax NDK's BUG. pls let me know, if your have good news,thank u very much! best wishes!

IDE : Eclipse
HostOS: Windows + cgywin64

Could you please provide a minimal source code required to reproduce the bug?

BTW 10.2.0 is planned, not released yet.

Of course! :)
Actually,last time i had attached my whole Eclipse project(java/c++ source Files), which like MyApp002.rar. maybe, upload fail
This i will upload again.

Updated by Beily L. about 9 years ago

Beily Lan wrote:

Alexander Zhukov wrote:

Beily Lan wrote:

when use crystax-ndk-10.1.0 NDK build OK, but run Crash, i get an error. by the way, in our website i cant find 10.2.0 or higher version to i have no idea, if the higher verion has fix the bug.
error as follow:
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute ,cmd = ls.
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute ,popen success=====.
05-29 20:53:36.677: I/MyAppTest002(19241): JNI::execute, command=ls 2>&1
05-29 20:53:46.677: A/libc(19241): invalid address or address of corrupt block 0x40161c30 passed to dlfree [here "fread"or"fgets" execute]
05-29 20:53:46.687: A/libc(19241): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 19241 (xample.myapp002)

But, if use google android-ndk-r10d NDK , build OK and run OK, it work find, and i can get the result of execute [ls] command.
So, i think it maybe a crystax NDK's BUG. pls let me know, if your have good news,thank u very much! best wishes!

IDE : Eclipse
HostOS: Windows + cgywin64

Could you please provide a minimal source code required to reproduce the bug?

BTW 10.2.0 is planned, not released yet.

Of course! :)
Actually,last time i had attached my whole Eclipse project(java/c++ source Files), which like MyApp002.rar. maybe, upload fail
This time i will upload again.
as follow, the main file:
1, : this file is to listening UI button action;
textViewMsgShow.setText("This MyButton Click");
String cmd = "ls 2>&1"; //command shell. ls
String res = pCmd.exec(cmd); // here will call native exec function,if it execute OK , will return SUCCESS
textViewMsgShow.setText(res); // here show the result string
2, : this file like interface, for loading library and declaring native functions. here is only one .
static {
// //if use google NDK , we dont load crystax lib

// JNI function, delare
public native String exec(String cmd);

1, NDK1.cpp : this file impliment the native funtion "exec"

std::string exec(char* cmd) {

char result_buf[MAXLINE], command[MAXLINE];
int rc = 0; // command exec return
int totalReadSize = 0;
FILE *fp = 0;
fp = popen(cmd, "r");
if(NULL == fp)
	__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG,"popen fail!");
	return "";

__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "JNI::execute ,popen success=====.");
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "JNI::execute, command=%s",cmd);


	int iReadSize = 0;
	__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Before fread");
	iReadSize = fread(result_buf, 1, 64, fp); //here Crash with cryStax NDK, OK for google NDK
	__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "After fread");
	if('\n' == result_buf[strlen(result_buf)-1])
		result_buf[strlen(result_buf)-1] = '\0';

	__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG,"command[%s] Out= [ %s ]", cmd, result_buf);
	totalReadSize += iReadSize;
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG,"totalReadSize=%d",totalReadSize);

rc = pclose(fp);
if(-1 == rc)
	__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG,"close stream fail");
	return "";
	__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG,"[%s] child process return=[%d], command return=[%d]\r\n", cmd, rc, WEXITSTATUS(rc));

return "SUCCESS";

extern "C" {

  jstring Java_com_example_myapp002_CmdCentre_exec(JNIEnv* env,
			jobject thiz,
			jstring cmd)

	const char *res = env->GetStringUTFChars(cmd, NULL);
	__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "JNI::execute ,cmd = %s.",res);

	std::string result = exec((char*)res);
	env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(cmd, res);
  return env->NewStringUTF(result.c_str());


above is that three files main code. detail you can reference attachment MyApp002----.rar
Thank u, Alexander, Best wish!

Actions #4

Updated by Dmitry M. about 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Alexander Z. to Dmitry M.
Actions #5

Updated by Dmitry M. about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #6

Updated by Beily L. about 9 years ago

Thank you tell me the good news.
And I have find other interesting thing,
also , i use "popen" to execute command and get the file handle return,
then, i convert the file handle to file discriptor by "fileno" function.
then, i can get the Result by "read" function.
In this way, its work well.
Is it interesting? but i dont know why.
If you have time, please give us more detials for this bug, with next release version.
think you all!

Actions #7

Updated by Dmitry M. about 9 years ago

Beily Lan wrote:

If you have time, please give us more detials for this bug, with next release version.

The problem was that whole stdio is re-implemented in libcrystax, but @popen@ was not included to the list, so @popen@ implementation was taken from bionic, while all other stdio functions from libcrystax (and FILE structures are not binary compatible between bionic and libcrystax). We've added @popen@ to the libcrystax too, so now it works fine. Just use recently published "10.2.0": release, @popen@ is fixed there.

Actions #8

Updated by Beily L. about 9 years ago

Dmitry Moskalchuk wrote:

Beily Lan wrote:

If you have time, please give us more detials for this bug, with next release version.

The problem was that whole stdio is re-implemented in libcrystax, but @popen@ was not included to the list, so @popen@ implementation was taken from bionic, while all other stdio functions from libcrystax (and FILE structures are not binary compatible between bionic and libcrystax). We've added @popen@ to the libcrystax too, so now it works fine. Just use recently published "10.2.0": release, @popen@ is fixed there.

Thank you very much, Dmitry.


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