Bug #896
closedBoost dependencies when using it as a shared library
I'm trying to use boost as a shared library and got a couple of unexpected things that not sure how to handle properly. More specifically, one of the libraries I'm using is boost_regex (boost_regex_shared). Everything is fine until the point of the deployment. The library itself depends on icu shared libraries, which are not automatically copied to the destination and I'm not sure what is the proper way to handle this copying.
I actually tried to do some tricks with including icu module and adding icu*_shared dependencies. It finally copied things, but then it resulted in unknown symbol error (I will try to reproduce the problem again later).
The only workable workaround I have so far is avoid boost_regex_shared and use boost_regex_static, though I don't like it in the long run.
Updated by Dmitry M. about 10 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Target version set to 10.2.0
I actually tried to do some tricks with including icu module and adding icu*_shared dependencies. It finally copied things, but then it resulted in unknown symbol error (I will try to reproduce the problem again later).
Adding @$(call import-module,icu/54.1)@ and then adding specific ICU libraries as dependecy should do the trick. Actually, such dependencies should be noted in Boost Android.mk so it's our miss. Thank you for noting this, we'll fix it. Until that, please specify it in your Android.mk.
Regarding unknown symbol error - please let us know exact text of error. It's abnormal and shouldn't be. We haven't experienced such errors in our tests, so please help us solving it.
Updated by Dmitry M. almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Open to In Progress
Updated by Dmitry M. almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to 3
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Dmitry M. almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from 3 to Completed
Closing this ticket since it was verified that Boost dependencies tests works fine in last nightly builds.