Bug #1172
closed[tests] test-openmp failed on Ubuntu 15.10
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2015-12-03 08:35:32.764 UTC: HST device test [test-openmp] 2015-12-03 08:35:33.006 UTC: ## COMMAND: /tmp/crystaxndk-ndk/crystax-ndk-10.2.1-b756-linux-x86_64/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/make -C /tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp /host-cc/host -B -j4 test CC=cc 2015-12-03 08:35:33.007 UTC: ## CWD: /home/ndk 2015-12-03 08:35:33.009 UTC: > make: Entering directory `/tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp/host-cc/host' 2015-12-03 08:35:33.319 UTC: > make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp/host-cc/host' 2015-12-03 08:35:33.337 UTC: > mkdir -p obj/cc 2015-12-03 08:35:33.337 UTC: > mkdir -p bin/cc 2015-12-03 08:35:33.338 UTC: > make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp/host-cc/host' 2015-12-03 08:35:33.338 UTC: > cc -x c -O0 -fopenmp -Wall -Wextra -Werror -I../jni -c -o obj/cc/fib.c.o ../jni/fib.c 2015-12-03 08:35:33.338 UTC: > mkdir -p obj/cc 2015-12-03 08:35:33.338 UTC: > mkdir -p bin/cc 2015-12-03 08:35:33.339 UTC: > cc -x c -O0 -fopenmp -Wall -Wextra -Werror -I../jni -c -o obj/cc/openmp.c.o ../jni/openmp.c 2015-12-03 08:35:33.386 UTC: > make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp/host-cc/host' 2015-12-03 08:35:33.386 UTC: > mkdir -p obj/cc/ 2015-12-03 08:35:33.387 UTC: > mkdir -p bin/cc/ 2015-12-03 08:35:33.387 UTC: > cc -x c -O0 -fopenmp -Wall -Wextra -Werror -I../jni -c -o obj/cc/openmp2.c.o ../jni/openmp2.c 2015-12-03 08:35:33.471 UTC: * ../jni/openmp2.c:6:25: fatal error: sys/sysconf.h: No such file or directory 2015-12-03 08:35:33.471 UTC: * compilation terminated. 2015-12-03 08:35:33.472 UTC: * make[1]: *** [obj/cc/openmp2.c.o] Error 1 2015-12-03 08:35:33.472 UTC: > make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp/host-cc/host' 2015-12-03 08:35:33.472 UTC: * make: *** [test-openmp2] Error 2 2015-12-03 08:35:33.472 UTC: * make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... 2015-12-03 08:35:33.507 UTC: > cc -fopenmp -o bin/cc/test-openmp obj/cc/openmp.c.o -lpthread -lrt -lm -ldl 2015-12-03 08:35:33.510 UTC: > cc -fopenmp -o bin/cc/test-fib obj/cc/fib.c.o -lpthread -lrt -lm -ldl 2015-12-03 08:35:33.562 UTC: > /tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp/host-cc/host/bin/cc/test-openmp 2015-12-03 08:35:33.567 UTC: > /tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp/host-cc/host/bin/cc/test-fib 2015-12-03 08:35:33.570 UTC: > Hello from thread 0 out of 4 2015-12-03 08:35:33.571 UTC: > Hello from thread 3 out of 4 2015-12-03 08:35:33.571 UTC: > Hello from thread 2 out of 4 2015-12-03 08:35:33.571 UTC: > Hello from thread 1 out of 4 2015-12-03 08:35:33.571 UTC: > make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp/host-cc/host' 2015-12-03 08:35:33.638 UTC: > CPU_ONLN= 8 2015-12-03 08:35:33.638 UTC: > Number of CPUs=8 2015-12-03 08:35:33.638 UTC: > Number of max threads=8 2015-12-03 08:35:33.638 UTC: > Number of executing thread=0 2015-12-03 08:35:33.638 UTC: > Number of threads=1 2015-12-03 08:35:33.639 UTC: > Execution time of The Fibonacci Numbers with OpenMP : 0.070620 sec 2015-12-03 08:35:33.639 UTC: > 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269 2178309 2015-12-03 08:35:33.639 UTC: > ------------------------------- 2015-12-03 08:35:33.639 UTC: > make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp/host-cc/host' 2015-12-03 08:35:33.639 UTC: > make: Leaving directory `/tmp/ndk-tests-ubuntu15.10-x86_64/gcc4.9/device/test-openmp/host-cc/host' 2015-12-03 08:35:33.639 UTC: ERROR: On-host test of test-openmp failed 2015-12-03 08:35:33.639 UTC: ---> FAILURE: HOST TEST [test-openmp]
Updated by Dmitry M. over 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Completed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100